Life, Love, Comedy, and more

Life’s Building Blocks

Think before speaking…

Those with sharp tongues oftentimes slit their own throats.

Closer to my dreams, like my name was Goapele….

I saw myself there. Now I’m there and I see myself at an even better place!

The Tests of Friendship…

“You find out who your real friends are when shit hits the fan. Just remember to wipe your blades clean afterwards.”

Speak positively…

SELF ASSESSMENT: Both men and women use about 16,000 words per day in conversation. How many of your conversations today would you consider “positive” so far?

Your belief should be evident…

If you’re going to stand for something, know what you’re standing for and make sure people fully understand where you stand.

Everything that glitters…

If you like him because he seems all glittery, remember that birds are attracted to aluminum foil.

There’s a new start each time you wake up…

Yesterday was Day #1. Today is Day #1. Tomorrow will be Day #1.

True friendships are evident…

If you have to question whether they’re real friends, they’re probably not.

No half stepping…

If you’re not giving 100% while trying, you’re still failing.

Be selfless but not careless!

If you’d do for them more than they’d do for you, you’re doing yourself a disservice.

Live your life like it’s golden…

Everyday you’re only 1 day older, so treat everyday like it’s your birthday.

Learning the hard way…

Unfortunately, people tend to admire logic but RESPECT pain.

No one is THAT busy…

While you’re patiently awaiting for someone to “make time” for you, remember they are more than likely making time for someone else. #notworthyourtime

Give 100%, 100% of the time…

Greatness requires you to do your best, no matter how difficult the challenge.

Achieving results…

Spend more time planning and less time chasing.


Based on the partners you choose and decisions you make, you have to wonder whether you have self-love or self-HATE.

Don’t be too quick to pass judgement…

Your judgment of others may be an unconscious self assessment.

Accepting who they are…

You can barely change yourself, so what makes you think you can change them?

Hasty assumptions may be your downfall…

Jumping to conclusions is like hopping into the Grand Canyon.

Your plan isn’t always the most efficient…

Sometimes the horse is located where you thought the cart should be. (In other words, things sometimes present themselves in backwards order.)

Creating a solid plan

It starts with thought but ends with action. (Most people start but never finish.)

Working towards the right direction

An empty sacrifice would be nothing short of one that counters God’s will.

Sleeping with strangers

Everyone you sleep with should be a friend (first).

Life… inside-out

Two things you learn about people

  1. Some people are so ugly in the inside, they trick us by keeping the outside beautiful; and
  2. Some people are so ugly in the outside, you wonder why God ain’t just turn them inside out?